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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


Book an Appointment

Eye examinations are free in Scotland every one or two years (or sooner if required). Whether you wear glasses or not it’s good to have them checked regularly.

When you arrive at the practice you can relax in our comfortable waiting area, enjoy a hot drink on us before being called through.

An eye exam normally includes a glasses and vision check and a health exam where you will be screened for eye conditions and general health conditions.

Once completed, we will discuss your vision, eye health and any treatment or requirement for glasses.

If you are concerned about your eyes or are experiencing any discomfort, pain or eyesight issues please call us on 0141 558 8076 for Springburn or 0141 648 6757 for Castlemilk to speak to a member of our team.