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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


The Eye Exam

When you arrive for your appointment you can relax in our comfortable waiting area and enjoy a cup of tea on us before being called through.

When you arrive for your appointment you can relax in our comfortable waiting area before being called through for your examination. Your eye exam will include a glasses and vision check and a health exam. You will be screened for various eye conditions including dry eye, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and many more. Your eyes will also be screened for health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart conditions, strokes, neurological conditions and others.

Childrens Eyecare

Good vision is very important in children as so much of what they learn is taken in through their eyes, so it’s never too soon to start your child’s eye care. In our first 12 years of life, as much as 80% of our learning is through our vision. Without regular checks, children with sight problems can have difficulty at school, lose confidence and/or fall behind. And don’t worry, your child doesn’t have to be able to read for the test to be accurate, we have many different ways of testing their eyes.

Children’s eye tests and glasses are free at Adam Opticians and we recommend children undergo an eye exam at least every year from the age of two. Regular eye checks are essential in every child’s development and the key to good sight. A child does not have to be able to read the

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are now so comfortable and easy to use. Whether you are looking for a solution for playing sports, going out, travelling or are simply after a new look, contact lenses are a great choice for many people. They provide an unobstructed view, look more natural, are unlikely to get lost and are not affected by fogging or rain.

At Adam Opticians we stock all types of contact lenses. From daily, two-weekly, monthly and continuous wear lenses and coloured lenses there is something to suit everybody. Regardless of whether you are long or short sighted or have astigmatism, almost everyone who needs eyesight correction can now wear contact lenses.

Workplace Eyecare

At Adam Opticians we offer a range of services to protect people’s eyesight at work. All our eyewear is professionally fitted and tailored to individual needs to help meet health and safety requirements. We accept workplace vouchers to use against eye exams and prescription glasses. For more information contact us here or book now.

We can provide a workplace assessment where we examine your eyes to determine any weakness, check how well your visual system is coping and advise on your eye health. Eye dominance, co-ordination, tracking, eye muscle imbalances and visual processing are among many checks that can be corrected.